As Built & Adoption Surveys
Our as built surveys for construction tolerances can be for all sorts of projects. Owners or developers of newly built houses that are covered by guarantees such as NHBC may require walls to be checked for line, verticality and square. Steel or concrete frame buildings may need to be checked dimensionally or structural openings measured precisely for cladding or glazing manufacture and instalment.
Our adoption surveys focus on the competed highway or drainage infrastructure. Estate roads are surveyed with GPS and total stations along with all relevant street furniture, kerb types, surfaces and service covers.
Our drainage surveys can include manhole record cards, invert levels, drain/sewer length grade and type with the option of CCTV inspection surveys also. The surveys can be carried out separately or as part of a single package with outputs in CAD and PDF which can be customised to your company’s branding if required. Drainage network surveys to National Highways standards, DDMS (formerly HADDMS) can also be undertaken.